Frequently Asked Questions

Sponsorship for university places for undergraduate study is provided by our partner universities only.

Please note, all applications are managed and processed by the partner universities.

The Foundation is not able to advocate for students who submit late applications; all decisions made by universities are final.

To find out more about sponsorship for university places, visit our supporter page.


Is the Cowrie Scholarship available at any university?
The Cowrie Scholarships are available with our Partner universities – see here for a full list of current partner universities. Please note, we are constantly seeking new UK university partners!

My university is NOT a partner university. Can I still apply for a Cowrie Scholarship?
Cowrie Scholarships can only be held with our partner universities as they will be covering your tuition fees.

Where can I find other sources of support?
If you are not awarded a Cowrie Scholarship, please contact your university’s Student Services department or your Faculty office who may be able to direct you to other available support.


When can I apply?
Applications are typically open from late February to the end of June. Please see here for application links to our current Cowrie Scholarship Partner universities.

When is the deadline for applications to partner universities?
Each partner university sets their own application deadline – please check carefully to avoid missing out.
This page links to our partner universities, where they state their individual application deadline if currently open.

I have missed the deadline – can I submit an application anyway?
The applications are managed directly by the partner universities and not the Foundation. The closing dates vary for the various universities. We apologise that late applications cannot be accepted.

When will I hear about the outcome of my application?
Successful scholarship candidates will be notified by email by the partner university, not the Foundation. If you have not heard from your university, unfortunately this means that your application has not been successful. The university’s decision is final.


My university IS a partner university, but I can’t find any information on how to apply for a Cowrie Scholarship this year?
Cowrie Scholarships are not necessarily available every year. Sometimes, there may only be one scholarship available at a university, renewing every three years (i.e. each time a Scholar completes their course).

In cases like this, you may find that your university is unfortunately not offering a Cowrie Scholarship in the year you start your degree.


Can I apply if I am already at university or hold a degree?
The Cowrie Scholarship Programme is for students starting their first degree. This needs to be on an undergraduate degree course.

What is the financial eligibility – how is household income calculated for Cowrie Scholarships?
Scholarships are ‘means tested’. Household income is calculated by your funding body (e.g. Student Finance England) when applying for support. This depends on where you live – further information can be found on the following websites:

Student Awards Agency for Scotland 

Student Finance 

Can I apply for any course, even if it’s longer than 3 years?
Yes, any course is eligible so long as the undergraduate course is offered by the partner university! The length of scholarships is not subject-dependent – if a four or five year course was selected, this would be accommodated. Scholarships are only offered once funds are in place at a partner university.


Who can apply?
Whilst all Cowrie Scholarships are for talented Black British undergraduates facing financial disadvantage, you can find out more about individual entry requirements for a Cowrie Scholarship through each partner university’s websites.
An example of eligibility criteria can be found here.

Are international students eligible to apply for a Cowrie Scholarship?
At present, Cowrie Scholarships are only available for UK home students, at a home university undertaking their first undergraduate degree. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer Cowrie Scholarships to international students.


Why are your Scholarships limited to Black British students?
Access to university should not be limited by race or social class. As a registered UK charity, we provide financial support for talented, disadvantaged Black British undergraduates, as an immediate and achievable means to address access, attainment and social mobility in the UK. Find out about our mission here.

If you have any other further questions, please get in touch [email protected]

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It's always great to hear from our scholars about the impact of receiving a Cowrie Scholarship. We provide a full scholarship (fees + living grant) with our partner universities to enable new students to focus on their university lives, helping to open up education for all.

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