What We Do

‘Education and knowledge have the power to transform a person’s life…’

– Professor Richard Oreffo, Founder

We partner with UK universities, who pledge fee places, and fundraise to ‘unlock’ places with maintenance grants, to offer fully-funded UK University scholarships to Black British undergraduates for the duration of their degree course.

Access to university should not be limited by race or social class. Everyone should have access to an outstanding academic experience, but this is still not the case.


We work to create:

Better educational opportunities

for Black British students will result in a more equitable, inclusive, diverse workforce.

More Black British professionals, leaders and change-makers

to help create a more inclusive society.

More Black British academics

ensuring scholarship is more reflective of the diversity of C.21 Britain.

Fewer barriers to higher education

to improve opportunity for Black British students and improve social mobility.

Even high-performing students from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to have lower degree outcomes, so our focus is on supporting talented, disadvantaged Black students with a means-tested household income of less than £25,000 P/A.

UK University scholarships for Black British undergraduate students are the focus of the Foundation’s support – however long their course.

Industry sandwich placements are not supported, but scholars receive financial support for adequate maintenance (matched by fee waivers from their universities) throughout their course.

Scholars are required to first receive a place at their chosen university and must attain the A-level (or equivalent) entry requirements for their offer.

The Foundation engages with sector professionals to improve the our reach.

Cowrie’s journey so far

The ‘Ripple Effect’

We believe in a ‘ripple effect’: the power of education to change lives for the individual and for their families, generations and communities.

40% of FTSE100 companies have no BME representation on their board. The workforce is in urgent need of future leaders who reflect and contribute to a diverse society in C.21 Britain.

We believe that education is key to transforming representation in scholarship, in the workforce and in society more broadly, where breaking down barriers contributes to increased social mobility.

Cowrie Scholarships are made possible thanks to generous supporters: corporates, individual donations, gifts in wills, grants-makers and volunteers.

Testimonial: Shania

Testimonial: Wafa

Testimonial: Remaya

Who We Are

It's always great to hear from our scholars about the impact of receiving a Cowrie Scholarship. We provide a full scholarship (fees + living grant) with our partner universities to enable new students to focus on their university lives, helping to open up education for all.

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