
Discover our latest milestones, partnerships and Scholar stories.

For more information about Cowrie Scholarships for Black British students, student sponsorship news and ways to support, follow our social channels or get in touch.

100+ sets of fees pledged!

100+ sets of fees pledged!In 2020, Professor Richard Oreffo had an idea: What if there was a way to create a step-change in equality and opportunity...

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AstraZeneca x CSF Partnership

We are thrilled to welcome AstraZeneca as The Cowrie Scholarship Foundation’s newest corporate partner, working with us to support the development...

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It's always great to hear from our scholars about the impact of receiving a Cowrie Scholarship. We provide a full scholarship (fees + living grant) with our partner universities to enable new students to focus on their university lives, helping to open up education for all.

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